Hazard Assessment / Safety Training Plan
All companies, universities, and government entities are required to assess potential hazards and appropriate training prior to commencing fieldwork, as per Federal regulations.
In order to assist NASA funded investigators with meeting these legal requirements, the CCE Office has created a Hazard Assessment Form with directed questions to simplify this process. The form will generate individual safety training plans for project participants, based on how the Project Lead (PI) answers the questions. The individual safety training plans link to training opportunities as well as track completed training.
For more details, below are FAQs about the Hazard Assessment and Safety Training:

What is the Hazard Assessment Form and how do I access it?
The Hazard Assessment Form allows the PI to identify potential hazards their project's participants may encounter when working in the field. The Hazard Assessment process will generate a list of required training (outlined in individual Safety Training Plans) for each person participating in field activities.
The Hazard Assessment Form is a section of the online 'project profile' update process. PIs have access to edit their project profiles via their ABoVE website account. After signing in, a link to 'update project profiles' is visible on the 'My Account' page.
A PI can authorize additional editors of their project profile and hazard assessment by sending the editor's name and project title to CCE Office support. -
Who completes the Hazard Assessment Form?
-The PI is responsible for providing detailed information about the hazards their group might encounter in the field. A PI can authorize additional editors of the Hazard Assessment by emailing CCE Office support.
-Collaborators who are not receiving NASA funding are not included in the hazard assessment process, because NASA has no authority to over see safety activities of other agencies and institutions who are not receiving funding. -
Why is the Hazard Assessment Form important?
According to Federal Law, under the OSHA general duty clause, it is each employers responsibility to provide working conditions free from recognized hazards likely to cause serious physical harm or death. All serious field hazards must be mitigated through training and safe work practices. The PI and his/her university/institution are responsible for the safety of team members conducting field work on the cooperative agreement. See OSHA 29 CFR 1910 for details.
Who is responsible for safety training?
-NASA funded PI institutions are responsible for the safety training of their employees and participants. Additionally, PIs should consult with their collaborators and institutions to discuss any joint safety issues.
-PIs may coordinate their own safety training or consult with the CCE Office for assistance.
-The CCE Office has the capabilities to provide specialized safety training, coordinate training sessions, and/or develop new training modules. -
What is a Safety Training Plan?
Each NASA funded ABoVE project participant working in the field will have an individual Safety Training Plan, which lists required training assignments resulting from Hazard Assessments completed by projects with which they are participating.
Safety Training Plans:
-provide on-line training and links to safety training courses.
-archive the completion dates for all trainees, allowing for refresher reminders in future years.
-track Proof of Training for courses already taken.
-offer assistance with finding a course provider. -
How do I access my Safety Training Plan?
Once the PI has completed the online Hazards Assessment Form for their team, individual safety training plans will be made available on the team members 'My Account' page on the ABoVE website.
Log into your ABoVE 'website account' and your Safety Training Plan is listed under 'Safety Training'. -
How do I add courses/ hazards to my training plan?
Contact the CCE Office if you are aware of a hazard that has not been identified on your training plan. In addition, if you have already taken a course that you would like to see listed as part of your training plan, contact us and we can add it.
Can I see a status of training requirements for my project?
A PI can access a Training Status Report to view training requirements and course completion statuses for project participants doing fieldwork. The link to this report is available on the PI's 'My Account' page on the ABoVE website.
Please Contact us with any questions.