Recommended Outline for ABoVE Data Management Plan
This page referenced by section 4.3.3 of A.4 amendment 43
Additional information about data management is available at the ORNL DAAC
The Data Management Plan (DMP) for an ABoVE proposal is a short document that describes (1) the investigator’s commitment to the ABoVE Data Policy and (2) how the investigator plans to manage the data generated by the proposed research during and after the project.
For projects selected for funding, the DMP will be a living document, with periodic (~annual) updates to the status and schedule for data set production.
The DMP should cover the following topics:
1. Information about the data
- Describe the data generated in the proposed research.
- If you will use existing data, describe the data and how it will be obtained.
- What data will be requested from the ABoVE project and from other ABoVE investigators? Include estimates of the type and amount of data to be requested and the desired time of delivery.
- Planned/desired data collection protocols (may reference relevant sections of Scientific/Technical plan, if applicable).
2. Description of data
- In what formats will the data be saved? Roughly how many data files will be compiled and what is the expected volume?
- How will the data be processed? (Software used, Algorithms, Workflows).
- Describe how data quality will be ensured.
3. Metadata content and format
- Describe the metadata used to document the data so that others can readily use the data.
- How will the metadata be created and in what format or standard?
4. Compliance with ABoVE Policies for access, sharing, and re-use
- Describe the data sharing planned during and after the ABoVE project.
- Are there any ethical, privacy, intellectual property, and copyright issues for the data set?
- What is the schedule for delivery of data and related metadata to the ABoVE project? Early delivery of products useful for ABoVE synthesis activities is encouraged and should be noted on the schedule.
5. Long-term storage and archival
- Which of the data generated will become mature enough to submit to a long-term archive for sharing with the broader scientific community?
- What steps need to be taken to prepare the data and documentation for the archive? Who will be responsible for preparing the data for the archive? When will the data be submitted to the archive?