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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NASA's Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment


Jobs Archive

Job Title


Posted By

Research Associate
Environmental Sensing for the Arctic>>
Open until filled Environmental Sensing for the Arctic
University of Virginia
Postdoctoral Researcher
Environmental Sensing – Interdisciplinary >>
Open until filled Howard Epstein
University of Virginia
PhD position - changes in boreal forest functioning>> Open until filled Oliver Sonnentag
Université de Montréal
Postdoc position - carbon, water and energy fluxes>> Open until filled Oliver Sonnentag
Carleton University or Université de Montréal
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group (NTSG) >> Priority Application Date: 4/22/18
Open until filled.
John Kimball
University of Montana
Post Doc Position in Fairbanks>> Open until Filled Randi Jandt
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Postdoctoral Researcher Position
Siberian Primary Boreal Forests>>
June 29, 2018 or until filled Woods Hole Research Center
Brendan Rogers
Postdoc—focus on feedbacks between climate, fire, vegetation and carbon in the high latitudes >> October 1 Sander Veraverbeke
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
PhD student —focus on carbon emissions from arctic–boreal fires >> October 1 Sander Veraverbeke
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Kendall Fellowship: Protecting Carbon in Boreal Forests >> Open until
April 18th
Brendan Rogers
Union of Concerned Scientists
ABoVE Airborne Data Fusion Summer Internship at Goddard >> Closed
March 2018
Goddard Space Flight Center
Two Postdoctoral Research Fellow Positions in Boston>> Closed
Crystal L Schaaf
University of Massachusetts Boston
Terrestrial Ecology Program Scientist position in DC >> Closed
NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program
NASA Headquarters
7 New Faculty Positions>> Closed
Global Institute for Water Security,
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Toronto>> Closed
Debra Wunch
University of Toronto
9 Postdoctoral Positions – Core Modelling & Forecasting Team with Global Water Futures, Canada >> Closed
Global Institute for Water Security, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Research Assistant/Associate Position
Boreal Forest Fire Effects >>
Brendan Rogers
Woods Hole Research Center
Tier II Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Remote Sensing of Environment Change in Cold Regions >> Closed
Bill Quinton
Wilfrid Laurier University
Post Doc >> Closed
Paul Moorcroft
Harvard University
PhD Studentship >> Closed
Mark Chopping
Montclair State University
Post Docs >> Closed
Hélène Genet
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Post Doc >> Closed
Laura Prugh
University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Research Technician and/or Research Assistant >> Closed
Walter Oechel
Global Change Research Group - San Diego, CA
Graduate Research Assistantship (PhD.) in Arctic Ecology & Remote Sensing at Montclair State University>> Closed
Mark Chopping
Montclair University-Montclair, NJ
Graduate Research Assistantship (PhD.) in Arctic-Boreal Ecosystem Modeling >> Closed
Dan Hayes
University of Maine-Orono, ME
Post Docs >> Filled Northern Arizona University
Research Associate >> Filled University of Virginia - Charlottesville, VA
H.H. Shugart
PhD Assistantship >> Closed
Deadline: 1.15.2017
Mark Hebblewhite
University of Montana
ArcGIS Administrator to support NASA ABoVE Science Cloud >> Filled NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) 
Research Scientist and/or Postdoctoral Research Scientist (depending on experience) to support the NOAA/ESRL/GMD/CCGG Aircraft Program>> Filled NOAA- Boulder
Colm Sweeney
Postdoc – Software Development Framework Connecting Models, Remote Sensing Data, and Field Measurements >> Filled Josh Fisher
Internship - Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Office Educational and Geospatial Internship Opportunity >> Filled Liz Hoy
Internship - ACES-CMAC: Creation of baseline Arctic datasets using the ABoVE Science Cloud >> Filled Liz Hoy
Internship - ACES-CMAC-Delineating the forest tundra ecotone with Landsat and sub-meter resolution commercial imagery >> Filled Chris Neigh
PhD Assistantship in Wildlife Biology at the University of Montana >> Filled Mark
Postdoctoral position available in wildlife movement modeling in Arctic/Boreal Alaska and Canada (based at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, New York, NY) >> Filled Natalie Boelman
Team-based PhD Student Assistantships in Arctic/Boreal Ecology and Remote Sensing >> Filled Natalie Boelman
Jan Eitel
Lee Vierling
Kevin Griffin

Contact support to request a job posting.