Presenters are in italics.
- Poster Session A
- Carbon Dynamics
- Crosscutting
- Modeling
- Poster Session B
- Fire Disturbance
- Vegetation Dynamics and Distribution
- Poster Session C
- Permafrost and Hydrology
- Wildlife and Ecosystem Services
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Poster Session A | Tuesday 4:30 PM |
Carbon Dynamics
Lake Change in the 13 Boreal and Arctic Study Regions in the recent ~60 years (Prajna Lindgren, Franz Meyer, Katey Walter Anthony, Lisa Wirth, Andrew Herbst)
Geologic methane seeps in Arctic Alaska (Katey Walter Anthony, Janelle Sharp, Melanie Engram, Prajna Lindgren, Peter Anthony, Franz Meyer)
Estimating lake methane ebullition with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) (Melanie Engram, Katey Walter Anthony, Torsten Sachs, Guido Grosse, Franz Meyer)
Mapping methane plumes from the ABoVE domain using AVIRIS-NG (Andrew Thorpe, David Thompson, Charles Miller, Riley Duren, Michael Bernas, Winston Olson-Duval)
The predominance of young carbon in Arctic whole-lake CH4 and CO2 emissions and implications for Boreal yedoma lakes (Clayton Elder, Xiaomei Xu, Jennifer Walker, Katey Walter Anthony, John Pohlman, Chris Arp, Benjamin Gaglioti, Amy Townsend-Small, Hinkel Kenneth, Claudia Czimczik)
Wildfire Effects on Permafrost and Soil Moisture in Spruce Forests of Interior Alaska (Christopher Potter, Charles Hugny)
Landscape Patterns of Vegetation Burning in Ecosystems of Interior Alaska Derived from Satellite Image Analysis and Field Measurements (Christopher Potter)
The 2017 ASCENDS/ABoVE Airborne Campaign and initial look at Pulsed Lidar Measurements of CO2 Column Concentrations (James Abshire, Haris Riris, Graham Allan, Jianping Mao, William Hasselbrack, Kenji Numata, Jeffrey Chen, Randy Kawa, Joshua Digangi, Yonghoon Choi)
DC-8 In Situ Measurements for ASCENDS and ABoVE 2017 (Stephan Kawa, Joshua DiGangi, Glenn Diskin, Yonghoon Choi, John Nowak, Jianping Mao, James Abshire, Bing Lin, Edward Browell)
First Results for Active Remote Sensing of Carbon Dioxide During the ABoVE 2017 Airborne Field Campaign using the Active Sensing of CO2 Emissions over Nights, Days, and Seasons (ASCENDS) CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator (ACES) Instrument (Mike Obland, Bing Lin, Byron Meadows, Wialliam Carrion, Jonathan Hicks, Joseph Sparrow, Susan Kooi, Tai-Fang Fan, Edward Browell)
Investigating sensitivity of soil freeze/thaw dynamics and cold-season respiration to snow cover changes in Alaska (Yonghong Yi, John Kimball, Donatella Zona, Kyle Arndt, Richard Chen, Mahta Moghaddam, Rolf Reichle, Walter Oechel)
From Archaea to the Atmosphere: Integrating Microbial, Isotopic and Landscape-Scale Observations to Quantify Methane Emissions from Global High-Latitude Ecosystems (Ruth Varner, Michael Palace, Virginia Rich, Justin Fisk, Bobby Braswell, Nathan Torbick, Carmody McCalley, Jia Deng, Joanne Shorter, Patrick Crill, Christina Herrick, L. Lamit)
Surface-atmosphere Interactions in Canada’s Low Arctic (Elyn Humphreys, Peter Lafleur)
Mapping Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in the Arctic-Boreal Region (Jennifer Watts, Susan Natali, Christina Minions, Sarah Ludwig, Brendan Rogers, Scott Goetz)
Dissolved organic carbon export and its contribution to the carbon budget in a boreal peat landscape undergoing rapid permafrost thaw (Oliver Sonnentag, Julien Fouché, Manuel Helbig, Karoline Lillie, Gabriel Hould Gosselin, William Quinton, Tim Moore)
Understanding the resilience of arctic community assembly and soil C to fire disturbance and nutrient addition (Adrian Rocha, David Medvigy)
Vetting atmospheric CO2 and CH4 from ecosystem models and satellites by comparison to ground-based observations (Nicole Jacobs, William Simpson, Eugenie Euskirchen, Debra Wunch, Róisín Commane, Taylor Jones, Steven Wofsy, Harrison Parker, Manvendra Dubey, Thomas Blumenstock, Frank Hase, Qiansi Tu, Gregory Osterman)
Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) in the context of ABoVE (Róisín Commane, Atmospheric Tomography)
Linking the carbon and water cycles through carbonyl sulfide (Róisín Commane, Ian Baker, Stephen Montzka, Colm Sweeney, Debra Wunch)
Effect of soil moisture on the temperature sensitivity of Northern soils (Christina Minions, Susan Natali, Sarah Ludwig, Dave Risk)
Increased methane loss due to later soil freezing in the Arctic may explain renewed atmospheric methane growth (Kyle Arndt, Walter Oechel, Jordan Goodrich, Aram Kalhori, Josh Hashemi, Colm Sweeney, Donatella Zona)
Changes in boreal and arctic ecosystems productivity : deriving metrics of photosynthetic activity and limitation from MAIAC data. (Gabriel Hmimina, Rong Yu, Karl Huemmrich, Dave Billesbach, John Gamon)
Quantifying Carbon Fluxes over the Alaska North Slope Using Eddy Covariance Flux Tower Observations and Machine Learning (Stephen Shirley, Jennifer Watts, John Kimball, Donatella Zona, Eugenie Euskirchen, Walter Oechel, Susan Natali)
Arctic carbon flux estimated from the ED2 model: Preliminary results and model development (Erik Larson, Takeshi Ise, J. Munger, Steven Wofsy, Róisín Commane, Donatella Zona, Eugenie Euskirchen, Paul Moorcroft)
Monitoring the role of subsurface physical processes in carbon flux from a degraded permafrost site using novel multidisciplinary observations (Stephanie James, Burke Minsley, Mark Waldrop)
Carbon dioxide and methane flux analysis over ABoVE domain during the 2017 ArctiCAP airborne measurement campaign: methods and early work (Luke Schiferl, Róisín Commane, Stephen Conley, Eugenie Euskirchen, Manuel Helbig, John Henderson, Elyn Humphreys, Miriam Hurkuck, Kristina Luus, Philip Marsh, Kathryn McKain, Walter Oechel, William Quinton, Oliver Sonnentag, Colm Sweeney, Sonja Wolter, Donatella Zona, Steven Wofsy)
The Timing and Frequency of Rain on Snow Events in Alaska (Caleb Pan, Peter Kirchner, John Kimball, Youngwook Kim, Ulrich Kamp)
| Crosscutting
ABoVE Extension of the ArcticDEM (Elizabeth Hoy, Julien Peters, Bruce Van Aartsen, Peter Griffith, Claire Porter, Paul Morin, Daniel Duffy)
GLOBE Observer: citizen science to support ABoVE research (Peder Nelson, Holli Riebeek)
Using GIS Services in the ABoVE Science Cloud (James Shute, Laura Carriere, Daniel Duffy, Elizabeth Hoy, Julien Peters, Yingshuo Shen)
The NASA Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment and the ABoVE Science Cloud: Accelerating Science with Cloud Technologies (Ellen Salmon, Laura Carriere, James Shute, Scott Sinno, Ben Bledsoe, Elizabeth Hoy, Peter Griffith, John Thompson, Garrison Vaughan, Julien Peters, Daniel Duffy)
Earth Data Analytics Service (EDAS) – Server Side Analytics at the NCCS (Laura Carriere, Thomas Maxwell, Daniel Duffy)
From the Scientist to the Archive: Data Publication/Archive at the ORNL DAAC (Debjani Deb, Alison Boyer, Suresh Vannan, Tammy Beaty)
ORNL DAAC: NASA data archive for ABoVE field campaign (Suresh Vannan, Alison Boyer, Debjani Deb)
| Modeling
Soil carbon residence time in the Arctic – model response to key environmental drivers (Deborah Huntzinger, Joshua Fisher, Christopher Schwalm, Daniel Hayes, Eric Stofferahn, Wouter Hantson, Kevin Schaefer, Anna Michalak, Yuanyuan Fang, Yaxing Wei)
ArcticDEM Validation & Accuracy Assessment (Salvatore Candela, Ian Howat, Paul Morin, Myoung-Jong Noh, Claire Porter, Elizabeth Hoy)
Does Your Terrestrial Model Capture Key Arctic-Boreal Relationships?: Functional Benchmarks in the ABoVE Model Benchmarking System (Eric Stofferahn, Joshua Fisher, Daniel Hayes, Christopher Schwalm, Deborah Huntzinger, Wouter Hantson)
A Biogeochemical Forecasting System for Arctic Wetland Methane Emissions (Zhen Zhang, Abhishek Chatterjee, Eugenie Euskirchen, Jeffrey Masek, Charles Miller, Lesley Ott, Colm Sweeney, Benjamin Poulter)
Poster Session B | Wednesday 4:45 PM |
Fire Disturbance
Assessing Wildfire Effects in North American Boreal Peatlands through Field and Remote Sensing Analysis (Laura Bourgeau-Chavez, Sarah Endres, Jeremy Graham, Nancy French, Michael Battaglia, Chelene Hanes, William de Groot, Jennifer Baltzer, Mike Flannigan)
Workshop Outcomes: Opportunities to Apply Remote Sensing in Boreal/Arctic Wildfire Management and Science (Alison York, Randi Jandt, Robert Ziel)
Tundra Fire Accelerates De-frosting of America’s Icebox (Randi Jandt, Eric Miller, Carson Baughman, Ben Jones, Go Iwahana)
Drivers of post-fire albedo across Alaska and Canada: implications for climate feedbacks (Stefano Potter, Kylen Solvik, Angela Erb, Scott Goetz, Jill Johnstone, Michelle Mack, James Randerson, Miguel Román, Crystal Schaaf, Merritt Turetsky, Sander Veraverbeke, Zhuosen Wang, Brendan Rogers)
Mapping fractional coverage of major fuel types for wildland fire research in Alaskan tussock tundra (Jiaying He, Tatiana Loboda, Liza Jenkins, Dong Chen)
Legacy carbon combustion in boreal black spruce forests of the Northwest Territories, Canada (Xanthe Walker)
| Vegetation Dynamics and Distribution
Airborne Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Characterize Arctic Boreal Zone Productivity (Darren Drewry, Charles Miller, David Schimel, Oliver Sonnentag, Adrian Rocha, Eugenie Euskirchen, Syndonia Bret-Harte, Ryan Pavlick)
Identifying forest patterns across the circumpolar taiga-tundra ecotone:
linking multi-scale estimates of structure to explore biome boundary dynamics (Paul Montesano, Christopher Neigh, Min Feng, Joseph Sextion, Saurabh Channan, William Wagner, Margaret Wooten, Benjamin Poulter)
Estimating vegetation height from WorldView-02 and ArcticDEM data for broad ecological applications (Arjan Meddens, Lee Vierling, Jan Eitel, Jyoti Jennewein, Natalie Boelman, Joanne White, Michael Wulder)
Detecting early warning signals of tree mortality in the ABoVE domain using multi-scale satellite data (Brendan Rogers, Kylen Solvik, Ted Hogg, Junchang Ju, Jeffrey Masek, Michael Michaelian, Logan Berner, Scott Goetz)
Describing Tundra Vegetation Cover Using Spectral Data (Karl Huemmrich, Sergio Vargas, Petya Campbell, Craig Tweedie, John Gamon)
Fingerprinting Three Decades of Changes in Interior Alaska (1982-2014) Using Field Measurements, Stereo Air Photos, and G-LiHT Data (Bruce Cook, Hans Andersen, Douglas Morton, Michael Alonzo, Anika Halota)
Shifting Patterns of Boreal Forest Succession and Browning Over the Last 30 Years (Michael Goulden, Claudia Czimczik, James Randerson)
Datasets of Disturbance, Phenology, Peak Summer Greenness and Land Cover for Landsat for ABoVE (Curtis Woodcock, Mark Friedl, Damien Sulla-Menashe, Eli Melaas, Jonathan Wang, Letitia Lee)
Arctic tundra greening and browning by continent and latitudinal subzone (Howard Epstein, Leah Reichle, Coleman Dickerson, Uma Bhatt, Donald Walker, Martha Raynolds)
A New Version of CANAPI for Mapping Changes in Tall Shrub Canopies in Arctic
Tundra (Mark Chopping, Rocio Duchesne-Onoro, Angela Erb, Zhuosen Wang, Crystal Schaaf, Christopher Chopping)
Shrub sensitivity to recent warming across Arctic Alaska from dendrochronological
and remote sensing records. (Laia Andreu-Hayles, Ben Gaglioti, Rosanne D'Arrigo, Kevin Anchukaitis, Scott Goetz)
Characterizing Arctic plant traits with near-surface and unmanned aerial system (UAS) remote sensing (Shawn Serbin, Ran Meng, Andrew McMahon, Kim Ely, Alistair Rogers, Stan Wullschleger)
Toward Understanding Dynamics in Shifting Biomes: An Individual Based Modeling Approach to Characterizing Drought and Mortality in Central Western Canada (Amanda Armstrong, Adrianna Foster, Brendan Rogers, Ted Hogg, Michael Michaelian, Jacquelyn Shuman, Herman Shugart, Scott Goetz)
The Canadian High Arctic Research Station - A 12-Month-a-Year Partner for Science Cooperation (DONALD McLennan, Adam Houben, Ioan Wagner)
Calibration and Validation of Fractional Lichen Cover Mapping (Matthew Macander, Eric Palm, Peter Nelson, Mark Hebblewhite, Jim Herriges, Gerald Frost, Christopher Swingley, Emily Holt)
Plant and shrub aboveground biomass mapped across the North Slope of Alaska using Landsat (Logan Berner, Patrick Jantz, Kenneth Tape, Scott Goetz)
Forest composition, structure and productivity of browning and greening forests in Interior Alaska (Claudia Czimczik, Nicole Fiore, Shawn Pedron, Clayton Elder, Michael Goulden)
Terrestrial Lidar and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Reveal Structure-to-Function Relationships of Spruce Saplings at the Forest-Tundra Ecotone (Andrew Maguire, Jan Eitel, Lee Vierling, Daniel Johnson, Kevin Griffin, Natalie Boelman, Johanna Jensen, Arjan Meddens)
Towards lidar-based mapping of tree age at the Forest Tundra Ecotone (Johanna Jensen, Andrew Maguire, Rose Oelkers, Laia Andreu-Hayles, Natalie Boelman, Rosanne D'Arrigo, Kevin Griffin, Carlos Silva, Jyoti Jennewein, Arjan Meddens, Micah Russell, Lee Vierling, Jan Eitel)
Forest change at the southern limits of the boreal zone (Elizabeth Campbell, Joseph Antos, Tongli Wang, Lara VanAkker)
Multi-scale modeling of boreal forest vegetation growth under the influence of permafrost and wildfire interactions (Adrianna Foster, Amanda Armstrong, Jacquelyn Shuman, Kenneth Ranson, Herman Shugart, Brendan Rogers, Scott Goetz)
Testing the correspondence among satellite-observed tundra greenness and on-the-ground vegetation monitoring using drones (Isla Myers-Smith, Jeff Kerby, Jakob Assmann, Andrew Cunliffe)
A multitemporal 30m land cover map for the ABoVE domain using dense Landsat time series and high resolution imagery. (Jonathan Wang, Damien Sulla-Menashe, Curtis Woodcock, Oliver Sonnentag, Mark Friedl)
Fusing Digital Elevation Datasets to Create a Best Currently Available Composite DEM for ABoVE (Patrick Burns, Scott Goetz, Richard Massey)
Arctic vegetation mapping using UAV RGB imagery scaled up to AVIRIS imagery using ground spectroradiometry and ocular vegetation estimates (David Paradis, Peter Nelson)
Mapping deciduous fraction in interior Alaska using seasonal composites from Landsat imagery (Richard Massey, Logan Berner, Brendan Rogers, Scott Goetz)
Generation of large-scale forest height and disturbance maps through the fusion of NISAR and GEDI along with TanDEM-X/L (Yang Lei, Robert Treuhaft, Paul Siqueira, Nathan Torbick, Richard Lucas, Michael Keller, Michael Schmidt, Mark Ducey, William Salas)
Seasonal and Inter-annual Phenological Variability is Greatest in Low-Arctic and Wet Sites Across the North Slope of Alaska as Observed from Multiple Remote Sensing Platforms (Sergio Vargas Zesati, Gesuri Ramirez, Geovany Ramirez, Christian Andresen, Nathan Healey, Jeremy May, Steve Oberbauer, Bob Hollister, Craig Tweedie)
The ABoVE Spectral Library (ASTRAL) – A Web-mapping Application to Enhance the Discovery, Visualization, and Sharing of Spectral Reflectance Data (Sergio Vargas Zesati, Ari Kassin, Mauricio Barba, Ryan Cody, Karl Huemmrich, Petya Campbell, John Gamon, Stephen Escarzaga, Craig Tweedie)
Multi-sensor Remote Sensing for Large-area Forest Inventory in the Northwest Territories (Guillermo Castilla)
Airborne LVIS LiDAR measurements of surface topography and structure for ABoVE (Michelle Hofton, Bryan Blair, Dave Rabine, Helen Cornejo, Sarah Story, Colleen Brooks)
Poster Session C | Thursday 4:30 PM |
Permafrost and Hydrology
Differentiating surface water change from seasonal and inter-annual variability in North Western Canada using multi-decadal time series of data (Mark Carroll, Tatiana Loboda, Margaret Wooten)
Impacts of thawing permafrost at the Scotty Creek Research Station, NWT, Canada (Ryan Connon, Élise Devoie, Ashley Rudy, Caren Ackley, Olivia Carpino, Michael Braverman, Bill Quinton)
Climate change and permafrost thaw-induced boreal forest loss in Canada’s fringe permafrost zone (Olivia Carpino, Aaron Berg, Bill Quinton, Justin Adams)
Influence of wildfire on the hydrology and runoff chemistry
of a peat plateau, Scotty Creek, NWT (Caren Ackley, Bill Quinton, Suzanne Tank, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Colin McCarter)
Influence of Topography and Disturbance on Water and Energy Flow in the Active Layer (Taylor Sullivan, Andrew Parsekian, Kevin Schaefer, Roger Michaelides)
The Permafrost Dynamics Observatory (PDO) (Kevin Schaefer, Albert Chen, Jingyi Chen, Richard Chen, Kazem Dogaheh, Elchin Jafarov, Lin Liu, Roger Michaelides, Mahta Moghaddam, Andrew Parsekian, Alireza Tabatabaeenejad, Jeffery Thompson, Howard Zebker)
Estimation of Belowground Biomass and Permafrost Active Layer Properties Using Radar and Lidar Measurements: Progress and Challenges (Richard Chen, Alireza Tabatabaeenejad, Kazem Bakian Dogaheh, Mahta Moghaddam)
SoilSCAPE Sensor Network in Alaska: Studying Permafrost Active Layer Dynamics in the Arctic (Richard Chen, Agnelo Silva, Kazem Bakian Dogaheh, Alireza Tabatabaeenejad, Mahta Moghaddam)
Retrieving Soil Moisture from Satellite Microwave Sensors for Fire Danger Assessment in Boreal and Arctic Regions (Laura Bourgeau-Chavez, Michael Battaglia, William Buller, Michael Billmire, Kyle McDonald, Chele Hanes, Liza Jenkins, John Kimball, Randi Jandt, Joseph Buckley)
The Changing Cold Regions Network: Observation, Diagnosis, and Prediction of Environmental Change in the Saskatchewan and Mackenzie River Basins, Canada (Chris DeBeer, Merritt Turetsky, Howard Wheater)
Understanding the interplay between permafrost conditions and groundwater flow in boreal headwater catchments, interior Alaska (USA) (Michelle Walvoord, Clifford Voss, Brian Ebel, Burke Minsley)
Integrated evaluation of the vulnerability to thermokarst disturbance and its implications for the regional carbon balance in boreal Alaska (Helene Genet, Heather Greaves, Mark Lara, A. McGuire, Bob Bolton, Eugenie Euskirchen, Vladimir Romanovsky)
Quantification of Thermokarst and Carbon Release: Field Surveys (Go Iwahana, Reginald Muskett, Robert Busey, Kazuyuki Saito, Seungbum Kim, Stan Wullschleger)
Identifying landscape changes and associated impacts on lakes and rivers in Old Crow Flats, Yukon, Canada (Kevin Turner, William Thorne, Daniel Hughes, Mohammad Ahmed, Ian McDonald)
Augmentation of the USArray sites with temperature profilers (Dmitry Nicolsky, Vladimir Romanovsky)
Multi-site observations of near-surface soil temperature in northwestern Canada: implications for high-resolution permafrost mapping (Yu Zhang, Ridha Touzi, Wanpeng Feng, Gang Gong, Trevor Lantz, Steve Kokelj, Wenjun Chen)
Thermokarst in pingos and adjacent collapse scar bogs in interior Alaska (Thomas Douglas, Merritt Turetsky)
CRREL Permafrost Field Sites in Interior Alaska (Thomas Douglas)
InSAR Experiments in Arctic Alaska (Reginald Muskett)
Tracking seasonal evolution of surface water extent in the Yukon Flats, Alaska and the Canadian Shield (Sarah Cooley, Laurence Smith, Lincoln Pitcher, Tamlin Pavelsky, Simon Topp)
Measuring the Impact of Wildfire on Active Layer Thickness in a Discontinuous Permafrost region using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) (Roger Michaelides, Kevin Schaefer, Howard Zebker, Lin Liu, Jingyi Chen, Andrew Parsekian)
AirSWOT Measurements of Water Surface Elevations and Hydraulic Gradients over the Yukon Flats, Alaska (Lincoln Pitcher, Tamlin Pavelsky, Laurence Smith, Delwyn Moller, Elizabeth Altenau, Christine Lion, George Allen, Mark Bertram, Sarah Cooley)
Alaska Transportable Array: Capabilities and Interdisciplinary Instrumentation (Robert Busby, Bob Woodward, Kasey Aderhold)
Identifying relations among active layer properties and land cover types in Old Crow Flats, Yukon, Canada (W. Thorne, Kevin Turner)
Active layer and water geochemistry data throughout the Yukon River Basin (Ryan Toohey, Edda Mutter, Nicole Herman-Mercer, Paul Schuster)
Arctic lake classification from NASA ABoVE digital color infrared airborne imagery (Ethan Kyzivat, Laurence Smith, Sarah Cooley, Lincoln Pitcher, John Arvesen, Tamlin Pavelsky)
Combining AirSWOT with Direct and Isotope Hydrological Measurements for Landscape Scale Assessment of Mackenzie Region Thermokarst Lakes (Evan Wilcox, Philip Marsh, Branden Walker, Gabriel Hould - Gosselin, Brent Wolfe)
Investigating Lake Area Dynamics as a Function of Permafrost Degradation Using Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys in Yukon Flats, AK (David Rey, Michelle Walvoord, Burke Minsley, Jennifer Rover, Kamini Singha)
Quantification of Surface Subsidence Using Real Time Kinematic GPS in Experimentally Warmed Permafrost (Heidi Rodenhizer, Marguerite Mauritz, Susan Natali, Emily Romano, Elaine Pegoraro, Meghan Taylor, Temuulen Sankey, Edward Schuur)
| Wildlife and Ecosystem Services
Precipitation as a potential climate driver of NDVI trends in Southwest Alaska (Amy Hendricks, Uma Bhatt, Gerald Frost, Matthew Macander, Peter Bieniek, Mark Jorgenson)
Ecosystem Dynamics and Succession after Tundra Fire, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta (Gerald Frost, Lisa Saperstein, Rachel Loehman, Kristine Sowl, Matthew Macander, Peter Nelson, David Paradis)
New tools for environmental annotation of animal movement tracks at the ABoVE domain and beyond (Gil Bohrer, Sarah Davidson, Scott LaPoint, Natalie Boelman, Martin Wikelski)
Assessing the Utility of a Temporally Dynamic Wind Index in Alaskan Moose Resource Selection (Jyoti Jennewein, Peter Mahoney, Arjan Meddens, Sophie Gilbert, Mark Hebblewhite, Natalie Boelman, Scott Brainerd, Kyle Joly, Kim King Jones, Kalin Seaton, Lee Vierling, Jan Eitel)
Arctic warming and Golden eagle migrations: potential for desynchrony between spring and eagle arrival dates (Scott LaPoint, Eliezer Gurarie, Gil Bohrer, Sarah Davidson, Peter Mahoney, Natalie Boelman)
Mapping lichen coverage across caribou herds using high-resolution imagery from consumer unmanned aerial vehicles (Eric Palm, Matthew Macander, Peter Nelson, David Paradis, Mark Hebblewhite)
Navigating snowscapes: scale-dependent responses of mountain sheep to snowpack properties (Peter Mahoney, Glen Liston, Scott LaPoint, Eliezer Gurarie, Buck Mangipane, Adam Wells, Todd Brinkman, Jan Eitel, Mark Hebblewhite, Anne Nolin, Natalie Boelman, Laura Prugh)
Seasonal snowpack quality and hazardous event detection in Dall Sheep habitat; modelling and remote sensing approaches to examine long-term patterns of variability. (Christopher Cosgrove, Anne Nolin)
Climatic drivers of Dall sheep survival rates (Madelon van de Kerk, Laura Prugh)
Changing river ice seasonality and impacts on interior Alaskan communities (Dana Brown, Todd Brinkman, Dave Verbyla, Helen Cold, Caroline Brown, Teresa Hollingsworth)
Climate Sensitivity of High Arctic Permafrost Demonstrated by Widespread Ice Wedge Thermokarst on Banks Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago (Robert Fraser, Steve Kokelj, Trevor Lantz, Morgan McFarlane-Winchester, Ian Olthof, Wenjun Chen)
How might satellite remote sensing help the monitoring of the cumulative impacts on barren-ground caribou? Case studies for the Bathurst herd (Wenjun Chen, Sylvain Leblanc, H. White, Carla Schmitt)