Participants By Project

(click to view profile) |
# of Project Leads
Registered |
# of Other Members Registered
who are not Project Leads |
Who Registered |
Who is a member of more than one project |
2015 |
Boelman, Natalie: Animals on the move: Remotely based determination of key drivers influencing movements and habitat selection of highly mobile fauna throughout the ABoVE study domain >> |
1 |
6 |
Eitel, Jan
Prugh, Laura
Hebblewhite, Mark
LaPoint, Scott
Boelman, Natalie
Jennewein, Jyoti
Palm, Eric |
Eitel, Jan
Prugh, Laura
Boelman, Natalie
Jennewein, Jyoti |
2015 |
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura: Planning and Collection of Data on Boreal Wildfire Effects: Studies of broad-scale 2014 Wildfires in NWT, Canada >> |
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1 |
French, Nancy
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura |
French, Nancy
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura |
2015 |
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura: Understanding the Vulnerability and Resiliency of Boreal-Taiga Ecosystems to Wildfire in a Changing Climate: A study of the 2014 Northwest Territories Wildfires >> |
1 |
2 |
French, Nancy
Turetsky, Merritt
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura |
French, Nancy
Turetsky, Merritt
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura |
2015 |
Brinkman, Todd: Biophysical Characteristics and Mechanisms of Environmental Disturbances Influencing Human Access to Ecosystem Services in Boreal Alaska >> |
1 |
1 |
Turetsky, Merritt
Brinkman, Todd |
Turetsky, Merritt
Brinkman, Todd |
2013 |
Carroll, Mark: Determining the Extent and Dynamics of Surface Water for the ABoVE Field Campaign >> |
1 |
Carroll, Mark |
2016 |
Chatterjee, Abhishek: GEOS-5 Forecasting and Modeling in Support of ABoVE airborne research >> |
1 |
2 |
Miller, Charles
Fisher, Joshua
Chatterjee, Abhishek |
Miller, Charles
Fisher, Joshua |
2015 |
Chopping, Mark: Changes in Shrub Abundance in Arctic Tundra from the Satellite High Resolution Record for the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment and Impacts on Albedo >> |
1 |
Chopping, Mark |
Chopping, Mark |
2015 |
Cook, Bruce: Fingerprinting Three Decades of Changes in Interior Alaska (1982-2014) Using Field Measurements, Stereo Air Photos, and G-LiHT Data >> |
1 |
Babcock, Chad |
Babcock, Chad |
2016 |
Cook, Bruce: Remote Sensing as a Bridge to Operational Forest Carbon Monitoring in Interior Alaska >> |
1 |
Babcock, Chad |
Babcock, Chad |
2016 |
D'Arrigo, Rosanne: Determining the Vulnerability and Resilience of Boreal Forests and Shrubs across Northwestern North America >> |
1 |
Goetz, Scott |
Goetz, Scott |
2016 |
Douglas, Thomas: Variations in Wetland Terrain Feature Conditions: The Role of Permafrost and Impacts to Military Operations >> |
1 |
Douglas, Thomas |
2016 |
Drewry, Darren: Airborne Solar Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Characterize Arctic Boreal Zone Phenology and Productivity >> |
1 |
2 |
Schimel, David
Miller, Charles
Drewry, Darren |
Miller, Charles |
2015 |
Eitel, Jan: LiDAR, passive spectral, and ecophysiological approaches to link Forest Tundra Ecotone structure and function >> |
1 |
2 |
Boelman, Natalie
Eitel, Jan
Jennewein, Jyoti |
Boelman, Natalie
Eitel, Jan
Jennewein, Jyoti |
2015 |
Fisher, Joshua: A Model-Data Integration Framework (MoDIF) for ABoVE Phase I research: simulation, scaling and benchmarking for key indicators of Arctic-boreal ecosystem dynamics >> |
1 |
2 |
Schaefer, Kevin
Stofferahn, Eric
Fisher, Joshua |
Schaefer, Kevin
Fisher, Joshua |
2015 |
Frost, Gerald: Biophysical drivers and socio-ecological impacts of environmental change in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region, western Alaska >> |
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1 |
Macander, Matthew
Frost, Gerald |
Macander, Matthew |
2015 |
Gamon, John: Evaluating growing season length and productivity across the ABoVE Domain using novel satellite indices and a ground sensor network >> |
1 |
5 |
Huemmrich, Karl
Marsh, Philip
Tweedie, Craig
Sonnentag, Oliver
Yu, Rong
Gamon, John |
Huemmrich, Karl
Marsh, Philip
Tweedie, Craig
Sonnentag, Oliver
Gamon, John |
2016 |
Genet, Helene: Modeling landscape vulnerability to thermokarst disturbance and its implication for ecosystem services in the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska >> |
1 |
Striegl, Rob |
Striegl, Rob |
2015 |
Goetz, Scott: Mapping and modeling attributes of an arctic-boreal biome shift: Resource management implications within the ABoVE domain >> |
1 |
5 |
Mack, Michelle
Rogers, Brendan
Macander, Matthew
Shuman, Jacquelyn
Hogg, Ted
Goetz, Scott |
Mack, Michelle
Rogers, Brendan
Macander, Matthew
Goetz, Scott |
2015 |
Goulden, Michael: Shifting Patterns of Boreal Forest Succession and Browning Over the Last 30 Years >> |
1 |
Goulden, Michael |
2016 |
Huemmrich, Karl: Causes and consequences of arctic greening: the importance of plant functional types >> |
1 |
3 |
Tweedie, Craig
Sonnentag, Oliver
Gamon, John
Huemmrich, Karl |
Tweedie, Craig
Sonnentag, Oliver
Gamon, John
Huemmrich, Karl |
2016 |
Iwahana, Go: Quantification of thermokarst and carbon release in ice-rich permafrost regions >> |
1 |
2 |
Muskett, Reginald
Wullschleger, Stan
Iwahana, Go |
Wullschleger, Stan
Iwahana, Go |
2017 |
Keeling, Ralph: Detection, Quantification, and Analysis of Changes in Boreal and Arctic Ecosystems Using Measurements and Models of CO2 and Its Isotopes >> |
1 |
Keeling, Ralph |
2015 |
Kimball, John: Satellite data driven model assessment of landscape variability and environmental controls on the Arctic-Boreal carbon budget >> |
1 |
5 |
Oechel, Walter
Sonnentag, Oliver
Miller, Charles
Derksen, Chris
Marsh, Philip
Kimball, John |
Oechel, Walter
Sonnentag, Oliver
Miller, Charles
Marsh, Philip
Kimball, John |
2013 |
Loboda, Tatiana: Long-Term Multi-Sensor Record of Fire Disturbances in High Northern Latitudes >> |
1 |
2 |
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
French, Nancy
Loboda, Tatiana |
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura
French, Nancy
Loboda, Tatiana |
2015 |
Loboda, Tatiana: Quantifying long-term impacts of single and repeated wildfire burning in North American tundra on organic soil carbon stocks and ecosystem functioning >> |
1 |
Loboda, Tatiana |
Loboda, Tatiana |
2015 |
Mack, Michelle: Increasing fire severity and the loss of legacy carbon from forest and tundra ecosystems of northwestern North America >> |
1 |
3 |
Goetz, Scott
Turetsky, Merritt
Walker, Xanthe
Mack, Michelle |
Goetz, Scott
Turetsky, Merritt
Mack, Michelle |
2016 |
Marsh, Philip: Hydrology, snow and permafrost in the western Canadian Arctic >> |
1 |
Marsh, Philip |
Marsh, Philip |
2015 |
McLennan, Donald: CHARS Experimental and Reference Area (ERA) >> |
1 |
Gill, Michael |
2015 |
Meyer, Franz: Characterizing methane emission response to the past 60 years of permafrost thaw in thermokarst lakes >> |
1 |
2 |
Walter Anthony, Katey
Parsekian, Andrew
Meyer, Franz |
Walter Anthony, Katey
Parsekian, Andrew |
2015 |
Miller, Charles: CARVE (Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment) Airborne Observations of Carbon Dynamics in the Vulnerable Arctic-Boreal Ecosystems of Northwestern Canada - CARVE-CAN >> |
1 |
2 |
Fisher, Joshua
Commane, Róisín
Miller, Charles |
Fisher, Joshua
Commane, Róisín
Miller, Charles |
2015 |
Miller, Charles: Permafrost Vulnerability in a Seasonally Sea Ice-free Arctic >> |
1 |
Miller, Charles |
Miller, Charles |
2015 |
Miller, Charles: Quantifying CO2 and CH4 Fluxes from Vulnerable Arctic-Boreal Ecosystems Across Spatial and Temporal Scales >> |
1 |
2 |
Sweeney, Colm
Kimball, John
Miller, Charles |
Sweeney, Colm
Kimball, John
Miller, Charles |
2016 |
Miller, Charles: Imaging Arctic Methane Plumes >> |
1 |
2 |
Thorpe, Andrew
Walter Anthony, Katey
Miller, Charles |
Walter Anthony, Katey
Miller, Charles |
2015 |
Moghaddam, Mahta: Regional Mapping of Soil Conditions in Northern Alaska Permafrost Landscapes Using AirMOSS and Land Model Data Assimilation, and Associated Impacts on Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes >> |
1 |
3 |
Oechel, Walter
Kimball, John
Moghaddam, Mahta
Chen, Richard |
Oechel, Walter
Kimball, John
Moghaddam, Mahta
Chen, Richard |
2013 |
Munger, J.: Development of a Data-Assimilation Framework for Integrating 25 Years of Surface and Airborne observations to assess patterns of net CO2 Exchange from Arctic Ecosystems >> |
1 |
2 |
Commane, Róisín
Miller, Charles
Munger, J. |
Commane, Róisín
Miller, Charles
Munger, J. |
2017 |
Munger, J.: Multi-scale data assimilation and model comparison for ABoVE to identify processes controlling CO2 and CH4 exchange and influencing seasonal transitions in Arctic tundra ecosystems >> |
1 |
4 |
Zona, Donatella
Oechel, Walter
Commane, Róisín
Sweeney, Colm
Munger, J. |
Zona, Donatella
Oechel, Walter
Commane, Róisín
Sweeney, Colm
Munger, J. |
2015 |
Natali, Susan: Winter respiration in the Arctic: Constraining current and future estimates of CO2 emissions during the non-growing season >> |
1 |
1 |
Goetz, Scott
Natali, Susan |
Goetz, Scott
Natali, Susan |
2017 |
Neigh, Christopher: Disturbance, Growth, and Recovery of Boreal Forests Spanning the Satellite Era: 3D Structure, Site Index, and Ecosystem Carbon Flux with Changing Climate >> |
1 |
Neigh, Christopher |
Neigh, Christopher |
2016 |
Nicolsky, Dmitry: Augmentation of the USArray sites with temperature profilers >> |
1 |
Romanovsky, Vladimir |
2016 |
Oechel, Walter: Temporal and Spatial Patterns of and Controls on Arctic CO2 and CH4 fluxes in the ABoVE Domain >> |
1 |
1 |
Zona, Donatella
Oechel, Walter |
Zona, Donatella
Oechel, Walter |
2015 |
Prugh, Laura: Assessing Alpine Ecosystem Vulnerability to Environmental Change Using Dall Sheep as an Iconic Indicator Species >> |
1 |
2 |
Brinkman, Todd
Nolin, Anne
Prugh, Laura |
Brinkman, Todd
Prugh, Laura |
2017 |
Quinton, Bill: Consortium for Permafrost Ecosystems in Transition (CPET) >> |
2 |
Marsh, Philip
Sonnentag, Oliver |
Marsh, Philip
Sonnentag, Oliver |
2015 |
Ranson, Kenneth: A High-Resolution Circumpolar Delineation of the Forest-Tundra Ecotone With Implications for Carbon Balance >> |
1 |
2 |
Chopping, Mark
Neigh, Christopher
Ranson, Kenneth |
Chopping, Mark
Neigh, Christopher |
2015 |
Rogers, Brendan: Developing a spatially-explicit understanding of fire-climate forcings and their management implications across the ABoVE domain >> |
1 |
2 |
Turetsky, Merritt
Goetz, Scott
Rogers, Brendan |
Turetsky, Merritt
Goetz, Scott
Rogers, Brendan |
2017 |
Rogers, Brendan: Understanding the Causes and Implications of Enhanced Seasonal CO2 Exchange in Boreal and Arctic Ecosystems >> |
1 |
4 |
Natali, Susan
Goetz, Scott
Schaefer, Kevin
Kimball, John
Rogers, Brendan |
Natali, Susan
Goetz, Scott
Schaefer, Kevin
Kimball, John
Rogers, Brendan |
2013 |
Schaefer, Kevin: Remotely-Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Product Derived from InSAR Data Over North American Arctic Regions >> |
1 |
Schaefer, Kevin |
Schaefer, Kevin |
2016 |
Schaefer, Kevin: PBS project: A Permafrost Benchmark System to evaluate permafrost models >> |
1 |
Schaefer, Kevin |
Schaefer, Kevin |
2016 |
Schaefer, Kevin: YKD project--Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta: The Impact of Fire on Active Layer Thickness >> |
1 |
2 |
Parsekian, Andrew
Natali, Susan
Schaefer, Kevin |
Parsekian, Andrew
Natali, Susan
Schaefer, Kevin |
2016 |
Schaefer, Kevin: The Airborne InSAR and PolSAR Permafrost Dynamics Observatory >> |
1 |
2 |
Parsekian, Andrew
Moghaddam, Mahta
Schaefer, Kevin |
Parsekian, Andrew
Moghaddam, Mahta
Schaefer, Kevin |
2016 |
Smith, Laurence: Sensitivity of Arctic-Boreal surface water to permafrost state >> |
1 |
Smith, Laurence |
2015 |
Striegl, Rob: Vulnerability of inland waters and the aquatic carbon cycle to changing permafrost and climate across boreal northwestern North America >> |
1 |
5 |
Walvoord, Michelle
Wickland, Kimberly
Minsley, Burke
Bogard, Matthew
Striegl, Rob
Rey, David |
Striegl, Rob |
2016 |
Sweeney, Colm: Airborne seasonal survey of CO2 and CH4 across ABoVE Domain >> |
1 |
3 |
Miller, Charles
Commane, Róisín
McKain, Kathryn
Sweeney, Colm |
Miller, Charles
Commane, Róisín
Sweeney, Colm |
2016 |
Tabatabaeenejad, Alireza: Estimation of Belowground Biomass and Permafrost Active Layer Properties Using Radar and Lidar Measurements >> |
1 |
3 |
Moghaddam, Mahta
Wullschleger, Stan
Tabatabaeenejad, Alireza
Chen, Richard |
Moghaddam, Mahta
Wullschleger, Stan
Chen, Richard |
2016 |
Touzi, Ridha: Investigation of the added value of L- and P-band PolinSAR for permafrost characterization and mapping >> |
1 |
1 |
Moghaddam, Mahta
Touzi, Ridha |
Moghaddam, Mahta |
2016 |
Turner, Kevin: Evaluating the influence of climate and land cover changes on water and carbon balance in Old Crow Flats, Yukon, Canada >> |
1 |
Turner, Kevin |
2015 |
Vierling, Lee: Quantifying Thresholds in Arctic Tundra Vegetation Structure and Ecosystem Function Using LiDAR and Multispectral Remote Sensing >> |
2 |
Boelman, Natalie
Eitel, Jan |
Boelman, Natalie
Eitel, Jan |
2017 |
Welker, Jeffrey: Nutritional Landscapes of Arctic Caribou: Observations, Experiments and Models Provide Process-Level Understanding of Forage Traits and Trajectories >> |
1 |
Brinkman, Todd |
Brinkman, Todd |
2017 |
Wheater, Howard: Changing Cold Regions Network (CCRN) >> |
2 |
Marsh, Philip
Turetsky, Merritt |
Marsh, Philip
Turetsky, Merritt |
2015 |
Woodcock, Curtis: Landscape-Scale Histories and Active Monitoring of Disturbance, Seasonality and Greenness Trends for ABOVE from Landsat >> |
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1 |
Friedl, Mark
Woodcock, Curtis |
2015 |
Wullschleger, Stan: Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE Arctic) >> |
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1 |
Iwahana, Go
Wullschleger, Stan |
Iwahana, Go
Wullschleger, Stan |
2016 |
Wunch, Debra: Atmospheric Total Column Measurements of Carbon Dioxide and Methane over the ABoVE Domain >> |
1 |
Wunch, Debra |