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Meeting Overview

10th ABoVE Science Team Meeting (ASTM10)
Tues-Fri, May 21 - 24 (3.5 days)
Workshop on evaluating carbon flux models with atmospheric observations [Flyer]
Friday, May 24, 1:00-4:00pm

NEON Tour [Description]
Friday, May 24, 1:30-3:30pm

Important Dates

  • Mar 13: Registration and Poster Abstract Submission Open
  • Apr 22: Hotel Room Block Deadline
  • Apr 24: Poster Abstract Submission Deadline
  • May 8: Notification of Poster Abstract Acceptance

Who should attend?

  • 1-2 Science Team Members Per Project
  • ABoVE Management
  • ABoVE Partners + Collaborators
  • Scientists working on synergistic topics


  • Reports from projects through plenary and poster sessions
  • Reports, interactions, and advances of Working Groups
  • Continue coordinated efforts in integration, synthesis, and modeling during Phase 3
  • Discuss research connections with partners and collaborators
  • Discussion opportunities for collaboration and engagement

Land Acknowledgement

We would like to acknowledge that the circumpolar Arctic is the home to many different Indigenous Peoples. We are reminded of their deep connection to this region, and our role as researchers to work towards reconciliation with our Indigenous partners. Please join us in honoring the place-based knowledge of Indigenous Peoples and recognizing their ancestral and contemporary stewardship of their homelands.

In-person attendance at the ASTM 10 will be held in Boulder, CO. As the City of Boulder Staff Land Acknowledgment notes, Boulder is a city on the ancestral homelands and unceded territory of Indigenous Peoples who have traversed, lived in and stewarded lands in the Boulder Valley since time immemorial. Those Indigenous Nations include the: Di De'i (Apache), Hinono'eiteen (Arapaho), Tsétsêhéstâhese (Cheyenne), Nʉmʉnʉʉ (Comanche), Caiugu (Kiowa), Čariks i Čariks (Pawnee), Sosonih (Shoshone), Oc'eti S'akowin (Sioux) and Núuchiu (Ute).

NCAR/UCAR has produced a Land Acknowledgement video with further information: